This page is only for use after speaking with our support team and receiving an invitation code so our support team can help you with your issue.


After entering your invitation code and clicking the JOIN button you will be presented with a box asking permission to download our app (the app is absolutely REQUIRED for this service to function). Follow the on-screen instructions to download and run the app, be sure to grant all permissions requested so your support team member can properly assist you.

In addition to the above general instructions, here are additional instructions for Windows PC’s and MAC computers:

For Windows based PC

For most support sessions, you need only follow the above instructions when running on a PC based computer. Just be sure to follow the instructions on-screen accepting all requested permissions upon running our app.


The first time you run our agent program, you may run into the issue of insufficient rights. This is common due to the MAC operating system. You must Grant our agent appropriate rights for it to function properly.

To do this, go to System Preferences and select Security and Privacy.

Go to the Privacy tab, select Screen Recording and check the box next to

Then go to Accessibility and do the same thing.

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